The Heart of Christmas

Christmas means a lot of things to a lot of people. To many it’s a warm wonderful time of year, filled with laughter and love and great memories. To others, the happiness of so many around them simply heightens their…
Christmas means a lot of things to a lot of people. To many it’s a warm wonderful time of year, filled with laughter and love and great memories. To others, the happiness of so many around them simply heightens their…
Ever since Adam and Eve chose to go their own way instead of God’s, we human beings have struggled with sin. Sin within ourselves. Sin in those around us. And that is painfully still true and evident in the world…
The holidays provide so many opportunities to strengthen important relationships in your life. But it’s easy to miss those opportunities because of all the crazy that goes along with the holidays. In order to make the most of this time…
For most people summer is the time to take a break from the normal busy-ness of life and get ready for the new year that will begin in September. After having our lives revolve around that schedule for so many…
Last Sunday was Mothers Day so I’ve been thinking a lot about my kids and what it was like when they were growing up. My first thought was that I was really lucky! Lucky because my kids turned out great,…
Many Christians go to a worship service at a church every week. If you’re one of them, have you ever stopped to think if you are actually worshipping during those services? I’ve spent many years working with Worship Pastors so…
Walking with God day-by-day is not an easy task. There are so many things that demand our attention and our time. It’s very easy to simply go about our business with occasional thoughts directed toward God. We may even set…
Though the Bible is the best selling book of all time, most people couldn’t explain what it’s all about. They may know some of the stories from the Bible, but they really don’t understand how it all fits together or…
It’s hard to imagine the earth actually being at peace. No wars or terrorists or angry people fighting for a cause. No sickness or hunger. No pain or fear or loneliness. But we long for that. For peace in our…
We all know what it’s like to get caught up in the busy-ness of life. There are so many things demanding our time and attention, especially at this time of year with all the holiday craziness. And it’s way too…