For most people summer is the time to take a break from the normal busy-ness of life and get ready for the new year that will begin in September. After having our lives revolve around that schedule for so many years as a kid, and then helping our own kids as they make their way through that same educational journey, it’s hard to let go of that rhythm in our lives.

So have you been making the most of your summer? Are you spending extra time together as a family or a couple or with friends? Are you taking time to just be lazy and do whatever you feel like doing?
Don’t let the summer slip away without making the most of the slower schedule and longer days. Be intentional about doing things that will help you renew and recharge so you’ll be ready to jump back into the year that’s ahead.
And one of the most important things you can do is intentionally schedule some uninterrupted time alone with God. If you haven’t already done that this summer, I want to encourage you to find some time to get away by yourself – somewhere away from all the normal things that would cry out for your attention: kids, spouses, laundry, DIY projects, work responsibilities, etc.

An entire day would be great, but if you can’t make that happen, get away for at least half a day. Give yourself time to talk to God and let Him speak into your life too. If you’re married and have kids, you can trade off times when one of you will get away while the other one has kid-duty. Then…
Just do it
- Find somewhere you can go to be alone with God.
- Take along your Bible, a devotional book, a notepad and pen, your journal.
- Spend some time simply reading God’s Word.
- Pour out the concerns of your heart to God.
- Seek His guidance for your life and your days.
- Confess any ongoing sin in your life.
- Spend time simply listening to God and letting Him speak into your heart.
- Write down things that God brings to your mind, especially things that will help you love God and others well during the year ahead.
Summer is a great time to step away from the urgent things that so easily fill up our days, so we can refocus on the important things in our lives. Before the busy-ness of the year begins again, try to fit in some time for just you and God. It’s one of the most important things you could do this summer.
by Bernice Gudgel