A Simple Walk with God
We all know what it’s like to get caught up in the busy-ness of life. There are so many things demanding our time and attention, especially at this time of year with all the holiday craziness. And it’s way too…
We all know what it’s like to get caught up in the busy-ness of life. There are so many things demanding our time and attention, especially at this time of year with all the holiday craziness. And it’s way too…
I was feeling pretty thankful a couple days ago. It was a good feeling. One that lasted for at least four hours. It came upon me right after I purchased a turkey to donate through our church to a local…
A week ago our daughter, Katie, gave birth to Paisley. We still can’t wipe the smiles off our faces. We’re happy for Katie to have the pregnancy thing done, we’re happy they’re both healthy, and we’re happy that we get…
This coming Friday is Halloween. Such a strange holiday when you stop and think about it. And one that Christians tend to have very strong opinions about. Some believe we shouldn’t have anything to do with it. Others think it’s…
In the Silicon Valley we love our techie gadgets. Especially our phones. We use them for… texting directions social networking music photographs banking dinner reservations taxis and a bezillion other things. We have become a phone-driven society. #101thingsyoursmartphonecandoforyou has become…
I just read a book about St Francis of Assisi. What a wonderful, godly man he was. If I had lived around 1200AD and had known him, I would have really liked him. The bottom line of his life once…
It’s officially Autumn. Which means it’s the time of year when many of us start looking ahead to all the holidays that are coming up. Some of us are excited about that. Others, not so much. But wherever you fall…
Years ago, after the loss of a football game, NFL quarterback Sonny Jurgensen was asked by a reporter if he ever thought about quitting, especially when upset fans threw things at him. Sonny replied, “No, not really. I don’t want…
One of the first things we need to learn as a baby is that life isn’t all about me. It may take a while to figure that out because when we’re so tiny and cute and helpless life kind of…
I used to think I was a pretty patient person, until we had children. And though it only took one, by the time we had three, there was no doubt – becoming a parent was like a giant magnifying glass…