Take Time for Divine Interruptions
Dave and I have spent the past seven days up in Seattle. As I’m writing this we’re getting ready to fly home to the Bay Area. We came up here for a conference and also for my aunt & uncle’s…
Dave and I have spent the past seven days up in Seattle. As I’m writing this we’re getting ready to fly home to the Bay Area. We came up here for a conference and also for my aunt & uncle’s…
As summer comes to an end, my focus has been on planning for the year ahead. My work demands it and my board expects it. In the midst of my “meet up, start up, join up” plans for 2014-2015, I…
The thing about wants is…we want them! We want a better job. A vacation. A promotion. A home of our own. Love. Lower gas prices. A little peace and quiet. A Krispy Kreme donut. That’s us. Wants are part of…
I’d like to be smarter than I am. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a relatively smart guy. I better be since I put a lot of time and effort and money into getting a high school diploma, an AA…
When Dave decided to become a pastor, way back when we were in our early twenties and newly married, some friends tried to convince us not to do it. They said if Dave became a pastor our kids would be…
After years of being married, raising three children, working with people, speaking thousands of times, and writing four books, I’m finally coming to accept the fact that people don’t do what I tell them to do. Our family enjoys an…
Do you know that feeling when you’re almost overwhelmed by how much you love someone or something? When you feel so incredibly lucky – blessed – that you feel like your heart could burst? I call those moments a glimpse…
When it comes to eating humble pie, I’ve had more than my share. If I never ate another slice, I’d be okay with that. But that possibility is highly unlikely. In fact, just the other day I was told by…
I’m usually a very organized, perceptive person. I can see the big picture and also details. But there was one very trivial event in my past that comes to mind every now and then to remind me that we all…
When I graduated from High School, never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d “grow up” to be a Spiritual Engineer. An architect? Yes. That was the plan. Pastor Dave? Not a chance. But as it turned out, I’ve been…