Category Faith Tips

A Radical Call to Unity
If you’ve spent much time reading or studying the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament, you’ve probably noticed that, more often than not, He calls His followers to a radical way of living. It’s not just “be a nice…

Living as Strangers and Aliens in this World
In Philippians 3:20 believers are told that we are now citizens of God’s Kingdom. When we came into a relationship with God through Jesus, we became a part of His family; His nation of the redeemed that He is calling…

What Jesus Said About Your Prayer Life
When Jesus was teaching His disciples and others on a hill beside the Sea of Galilee, one of the things He talked about was prayer. He began by telling them: Don’t pray in public places simply to be seen and…

A Spiritual Checklist for Those Who Want to Finish Well

What Do We Do When Life Is Out of Control?
What do you do when your plan isn’t working out? When things aren’t going the way you want them to. When what’s happening in and around your life just seems wrong. We’ll all face times like that, whether they’re related…

Giving Thanks in the Midst of a Fallen World
With all the crazy that’s going on in this country right now, I’m especially thankful for Thanksgiving this year. To have a day set aside to simply focus on all the people and things in our lives that we are…

Three Prayers We Should Be Praying for Those We Love
Almost 2,000 years ago Paul traveled around telling people the amazing story of what God had just done for them through Jesus. As people listened and believed, a community of Christ-followers was born in the cities he visited. Though he…

A Simple Checklist for Moms & Dads

You Gotta Love It When a Dream Becomes a Reality
Two years ago I got an idea that I thought was good. It came to me while hanging out in a Northern California coffee shop. At the time I thought the concept was God-given. But you never know with me.…