Category Family

A Prayer for Your Kids and Grandkids
A couple years ago one of my sons gave me an amazing gift. It’s a little stack of prayer cards that he had printed and laminated. Each card has a prayer on one side and a cool artsy picture on…

Every Family Needs an Imaginary Door
If you are a parent who has children in your home, there is a door that it would be helpful for you to always keep in mind. It’s a door that I first heard about when I read Edith Schaeffer’s…

We Need to Be Lookers and Learners…Like a Two-Year Old
Early in our marriage, Bernice had a chat with me about my bathroom behavior. I thought it was fine but she thought otherwise. She explained that I pretty much always left water all over the place – on the counter,…

How to Have Meaningful Conversations with Your Teenagers Before They Leave Home
Just One More Thing… Before You Leave Home was written to be a tool to open up conversations between you and your child who will soon be leaving to go to college or out into the world. It’s something we…

Deadlines Are a Good Thing When Something Must Get Done
I’ve benefited by deadlines. The fact is, without them I doubt I would have accomplished half of the things I’ve done over the years. Especially when it came to parenting. By the time our first child was a year old…

Every Parent Needs a “Just One More Thing” List Close By
We make a lot of lists in our lives: Grocery lists “Stuff to pack for vacation” lists Bucket lists Christmas gift lists “Things to do today” lists“ Things we want to see and do while we’re visiting Paris… or Italy……

One of The Best Things We Did Before Our Kids Left Home
Bernice and I are both list people. When we’re trying to figure something out or when we’re planning something, we make lists. When our oldest child got to his last few years of high school, we decided to make a…