Category Walking With God

Would your “coming to town” be met with joy or something else?
For almost thirty years now I’ve taught a variety of Live Events for Walk Thru the Bible Ministries. Usually that means WTB sends me to teach an Old Testament or New Testament seminar at a church, school, or conference somewhere…

I am Coming to See My Lack of Understanding as a Good Thing
I’m not one to make excuses, but in the past week I’ve come face-to-face with my lack of understanding. I’m sure you can relate to my feelings. Especially if you’ve had a friend or family member die or you are…

Are You Intentional About Worshiping When You Go to a Worship Service?
Many Christians go to a worship service at a church every week. If you’re one of them, have you ever stopped to think if you are actually worshipping during those services? I’ve spent many years working with Worship Pastors so…

Are You Intentionally Giving God Everything You Are, Every Day?
Walking with God day-by-day is not an easy task. There are so many things that demand our attention and our time. It’s very easy to simply go about our business with occasional thoughts directed toward God. We may even set…