It’s hard to imagine the earth actually being at peace. No wars or terrorists or angry people fighting for a cause. No sickness or hunger. No pain or fear or loneliness.

But we long for that. For peace in our own hearts and minds. For peace in our relationships with the people around us. And for peace in this fallen world that we live in.
Back at the beginning of time as we know it, after Adam & Eve sinned, God promised that He would send someone to make things right again. To make it possible for man to walk with God again.
Four thousand years ago God promised Abraham that through one of his descendants the entire world would be blessed.
Then two thousand years ago God sent His own son to earth as a baby. And the angels proclaimed to the shepherds that because of this baby there would be peace on earth and good will to all men. He was the answer to God’s promise.
Because of the birth and life and death and resurrection of Jesus, we can now have peace. Phase One of God’s promise has been fulfilled. Jesus makes it possible for us to have peace in our hearts and with others and with God.
But Phase Two is also coming. One day in the future God will literally set everything right in this world. All the darkness and fear and sin will be gone. And we will all live in peace with God and with each other.
This Christmas, may God fill your heart and mind with peace… and love… and hope.
By Bernice Gudgel