We all know what it’s like to get caught up in the busy-ness of life. There are so many things demanding our time and attention, especially at this time of year with all the holiday craziness. And it’s way too easy – no matter what time of year it is – to fly through our days on autopilot without taking the time to stop and think about what’s really important and what’s not.
In a similar way, this can also happen in our walk with God. What started out as a relationship can easily turn into a bunch of programs and meetings and service projects and studies to be done and classes to teach and worship services to attend. We can become like the Pharisees, focusing on all the things we need to do and how we do them instead of on who God is and what it really means to walk with Him.
All that extra stuff… is just stuff. It can be good stuff. And even important stuff. But often it’s simply a distraction from what God really wants for us. I believe the most important stuff to God is what happens when it’s just you and God, walking together day-by-day. Talking together. Laughing together. Crying together. Those are the moments that define your spiritual life.

I want the bottom line of my spiritual life to be about a simple walk with God. Waking up each morning asking Him to walk with me that day. To show me people that He wants me to love for Him. To help me make wise choices. To help me see my life and the world around me from His perspective. To fill me with His Spirit so I will have love & joy & peace & patience…
I want to encourage you to find a time and place when you can take a simple walk with God. Ask Him to help you evaluate your spiritual life. Is it more focused on doing than on being? Let Him remind you that He simply wants you to walk with Him, day-by-day. All that other stuff… is just stuff.
By Bernice Gudgel