Christmas means a lot of things to a lot of people. To many it’s a warm wonderful time of year, filled with laughter and love and great memories. To others, the happiness of so many around them simply heightens their awareness of their own loneliness and pain. But whatever feelings you are having this Christmas, I want to remind you of – or maybe tell you for the first time – the heart of what Christmas is all about.

The Birth of a Baby
The bottom line of Christmas is the birth of a baby. But not just any baby. The Messiah that God promised to send to save all of us. Not just the Jews, but everyone.
“Unto us a Child is born; unto us a Son is given.”
Isaiah 9:6
A Promise & Plan Fulfilled
Since the beginning of time as we know it, God has desired a relationship with mankind. But instead of loving Him and following His ways, we’ve continued to turn away from Him to go our own way.
God knew that on our own, we were lost in our sin. So six thousand years ago God made a promise to Adam & Eve. Four thousand years ago he repeated that promise to Abraham. And two thousand years ago, that promised was fulfilled when Jesus was born.
“God became flesh and moved into this fallen world to live among us…
and He showed us grace and truth.”
John 1:14
God Himself became a man. Why? Because of His great love for us.
“God loved the world so much that He sent His only son,
so whoever believes in Him could have eternal life.”
John 3:16
The Bottom Line of Christmas
That’s what Christmas is all about – God coming into this world to make it possible for us to walk with Him in spite of our sin. Through what Jesus did for us through His life, and death, and resurrection we can now have forgiveness and life, forever.
Whatever is going on in your life this Christmas, I hope you know how much God loves you – because when Jesus was born on that night in a stable in Bethlehem, He came into this fallen world, for you. That’s the heart of what Christmas in all about.
By Bernice Gudgel
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