Ever since Adam and Eve chose to go their own way instead of God’s, we human beings have struggled with sin. Sin within ourselves. Sin in those around us. And that is painfully still true and evident in the world we live in today. Sin continues to rob this world of the peace that God intended for all of us.

It seems as if every day the news is showing us the horrible effects of that sin. People are doing terrible things to other people. Millions around the world are living in fear. And that fear is causing even good people to turn their backs on coming to the aid of those who are in desperate need of help.
Can There Be Peace on Earth?
In this Christmas season we talk a lot about peace and love and hope. Beautiful words. But are they possible in this fallen world?
Politicians are all preaching their plans that will supposedly bring peace to this world. But will any of it work?
This Christmas I am reminding myself of two things that give me hope:
- True peace will only come into our lives through Jesus. Through His work on our behalf we can have peace with God and with others. Once we accept His gift of forgiveness and life, the Holy Spirit comes to live within us and brings love, joy, peace……
- Lasting peace will only come into this world when sin and Satan are defeated once and for all. That day will come when God recreates this world, and all those who have chosen to follow Him will live together there with Him in that perfect world, forever.
For now…
Let’s each do our part to bring peace and love and hope into our corners of this fallen world. Into our neighborhoods and work places and schools and local coffee houses. Offer love and grace and friendship to all those around you. Help those who are in need. Share the story of hope and peace that is available to all through what Jesus has done for us.
Be a person of peace in a world that desperately needs it.
Written by Bernice Gudgel
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