This past week Colossians 3:17 gave me a new perspective on the hats I am wearing. It could do the same for you.
Here’s what Paul said: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Take a minute and think about – or better yet, write down – the “whatevers” you do. Think about all the different roles and responsibilities you have. I started my list with five hats. I’m a husband, father, grandfather, pastor, and friend.
Then I got up to seven, ten, twelve, and finally stopped at fifteen. That’s a lot of “whatever.” More than I thought I would have.
This verse tells me that God is immensely interested in all that I say and do. My talk and my walk. And not just what I do, but how I do it all.
God wants me to do what I do…
- Like Jesus would. In his name. That means that I need to do what I do as though Jesus was the one doing it. I should seek to say what Jesus would say and do what Jesus would do.
Jesus said and did what was appropriate. That which fit the need of the moment. We need to do the same. That realization can make a simple prayer like, “Lord, give me the right words and the right actions right now” urgent, so we can truly speak and act like Jesus would.
- With a thankful heart. Even in the face of death Jesus gave thanks for what his death on the cross would accomplish. His death made it possible for us to have life.
Like God ordained the good work Jesus did on the cross, our Heavenly Father ordains good works for each of us too (Ephesians 2:10). Unless you are willfully out of God’s will, those hats you are wearing are by divine design. Is it no wonder thankfulness should characterize our lives?
When it comes to doing what we do, we can do what we do with an “I have to” or an “I get to” perspective. We can be driven by obligation or privilege.
When we do what we do as Jesus would do what he did, we can’t help but have a new perspective and give thanks:
I don’t have to go to work, I get to. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a job.
I don’t have to take care of the kids, I get to. Thank you, Lord, for giving me children (grandchildren).
I don’t have to clean the house, I get to. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a home to live in.
I don’t have to pay the bills, I get to. Thank you, Lord, for giving me an income so I can pay all these bills.
Recently I spoke about Colossians 3:17 at our church. A day later a dad sent me this message. “Dave, as our son was heading out the door this morning, he loudly announced, ‘I get to go to school this morning.’”
He got the point. We need to do the same.
by David Gudgel
Related Post: Are You Willing To Trust God No Matter What He Asks You To Do?