A couple of days ago I saw close up the importance of friendship played out in the life of our son and daughter-in-law. I wouldn’t have seen their personal interaction with Sara and Phil had it not been for the birth of our newest grandson.

This week our 10th grandchild, was born to our oldest son and his wife. We’ve been hanging out with them here in Texas the past few days doing what we can to help out.
Newborns are great, but…
Every newborn requires a lot of work. It can be exhausting. Which is why an unexpected dinner like the one Phil and Sara brought over means a lot.
Not simply because the Gudgel’s love to eat great food. Though… the dinner this gracious couple cooked and delivered and ate with us was delicious!
Tonight I got an unobstructed view of the friendship these two young couples share. It was pretty cool watching them interact. Happiness filled the room just like you would expect after the birth of a baby, but also because of the depth of their friendship.
Not all relationships are created equal
Relationships happen on many levels, depending on how close you are:
- Some are strangers – people we don’t know.
- Others are acquaintances – people we know, by name and face but probably not much more.
- Many are peers – people we spend time with, at school, work, or somewhere else.
- Several are friends – people who are a regular part of our lives.
- Few are close/best friends – people who know us inside and out.
What I saw tonight was a level 4 or 5 friendship. These two couples share a growing friendship. They enjoy being together. They live life together. They care about each other’s world. They ask questions and listen. They help each other out when needs arise. That was the case tonight, after a new little Gudgel came into the world.
Three intentional commitments
Do you have friends like that? If you do, you’re better for it. If not, I’ve learned by experience that friendships don’t just happen. They are the fruit of at least three intentional commitments.
- Time – you make time to spend together.
- Words – you talk and listen and encourage and soothe and suggest…
- Gifts – you sacrifice for each other as an expression of love.
Friendships don’t just happen. They are the result of intentional efforts. Are they worth the effort? What I saw tonight would suggest they are.
by Dave Gudgel