What do you do when your plan isn’t working out? When things aren’t going the way you want them to. When what’s happening in and around your life just seems wrong. We’ll all face times like that, whether they’re related to our personal lives, our families, our jobs… or even our country.

If you are a follower of Christ, there are certain truths that we can cling to during hard times. When the world seems to be out of control around us, we can hold on to these truths and find peace and comfort and hope.
God is in control
If we really believe what the Bible tells us, we will know that God is in control of everything that touches our lives. Sometimes He directly causes things that happen. Other times He doesn’t cause them but He allows them to happen. Sometimes He stops things from happening. He has the power to do all of that. We can’t see Him working, but the truth is that everything that happens in this world is filtered through His hands. Everything. With God there is no “oops.. I didn’t see that one coming. Sorry.”
He is in control. Not you, or your boss, or your parents, or your spouse, or doctors, or pastors, or governments… or presidents. No matter how bad the situation may seem to us, it will somehow end up for the good and it will be part of His plan, because He is in control.
God loves us
God loves us more than we will every understand. He wants what is best for us and He wants what is best for His Kingdom. His plan since the beginning of this world has been to provide us with a beautiful world to live in, where we can walk in love with each other and with Him.
Even when our sin messed up that perfect world and our lives, He provided a way for us to come back to the life that He planned for us from the beginning. A way for us to walk with Him and each other again in love. His greatest gift of love came when He sent Jesus to make it possible for us to come back to Him.
When you put those two truths together – God is in control and God loves us – we can know with assurance that whatever is happening in our lives, it’s all somehow going to be okay. Oh it may not be okay in the way we would want it to be if we could control it. But it will definitely be okay as far as God’s plan for our lives and this world and His kingdom are concerned.
So however you are feeling about what’s going on in the world today, or about what’s going on in your life, remember… God is in control of it all and God loves you more than you will ever understand. So everything is going to be okay.
by Bernice Gudgel
Related Post: We Can Find Hope Within This Fallen World in the Story of the Bible