For almost thirty years now I’ve taught a variety of Live Events for Walk Thru the Bible Ministries. Usually that means WTB sends me to teach an Old Testament or New Testament seminar at a church, school, or conference somewhere in the Western United States and sometimes in Hawaii.

That’s right… Hawaii. And in case you’re wondering, I’ve never turned down an opportunity to go to Hawaii. I’d go tomorrow if WTB called and requested my presence there.
On a couple of occasions I’ve taught Live Events in the place of the President of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries due to his packed calendar or sickness.
The fact is, every time WTB sends me to teach a Live Event, it’s an honor. The fact that they’ve seen me as sendable for all these years is a testament to God’s grace and His willingness to use imperfect people like me.
Sendable and Commendable
This week as I was teaching through Philippians 2, my study focused on two sendable people: Timothy (Phil 2:19-23) and Epaphroditus (Phil 2:25-30). Paul was planning to send both of these men to the church at Philippi. But before he did, he commended them in writing.
Paul’s commendations got me thinking: Sendable people are commendable.
They’re like Timothy. When Paul told the Philippians he had a one of a kind relationship with Timothy, he spoke of the kindred spirit they shared. They were soul mates. He was the right person to send to the church at Philippi because he was genuinely concerned about people. And he was Christ-focused, and not self-focused like so many others. His worth had been proven over a ten year period of time.
Epaphroditus shared similar qualities. Paul called him a fellow worker – one that could be trusted with valuable possessions. He was sensitive to the feelings of others. And on top of all of that, he was willing to risk his life for the sake of serving the Lord and others.
Timothy and Epaphroditus were two quality people. It’s no wonder they were chosen to be sent on strategic missions. They manifested the qualities God wants for all His children. The kind that add joy to others’ lives.
You Bet I’ll Be There
Earlier this year I received an invitation to have dinner with a national ministry leader that I highly respect who was coming into town. His writings and speaking had been an immense help in my life and ministry over the years. As you might expect, I said “yes” to the invitation to hang out with him while he was in the Bay Area. Our dinner was awesome.
So what if that person who came to town was me? Or you? If word got out that we were coming to town, would anyone care? Enough to hang out, over dinner?
I sure hope so. If people want to hang out with us when we “come to town” it’s a sign that something good is happening in us and through us; something commendable like Timothy and Epaphroditus.
by Dave Gudgel
Related Post: Ready to Tell the Story of the Bible When the Opportunity Arises